
The city of Kansas City, Mo., provided core funding to support our administration and planning, neighborhood capacity building and outreach efforts. MARC, the Green Impact Zone and numerous community partners leveraged the city's initial investment through competitive public and private grants, which benefited not only the Green Impact Zone but also other areas across the region.

City of Kansas City Investments

The city of Kansas City's support for the Green Impact Zone has been instrumental in building a solid foundation for community transformation. From 2009 to 2012, the city has invested $4.2 million in the Green Impact Zone. In addition to administrative costs for office space and staff to manage this complex initiative, these funds have supported a wide variety of projects, including:

Leveraging Public and Private Investments

Kansas City's initial investment has helped leverage numerous additional federal grants, and these public investments are now leveraging even more private funds. The following list itemizes more than $178 million in investments that were either facilitated by the Green Impact Zone concept or came about as a result of zone partnerships.